Federal and Provincial China Business Facilitation (Part 2)

Federal and Provincial China Business Facilitation (Part 1)
Lessons from the Hebei Experience with China Business
The first world takes developed infrastructure for granted. Business interests and people at large in poor countries on the other hand, learn to live without electricity, roads, and many of the other forms of social securities that they deserve. Politicians are not known for accepting their liabilities in this respect, and tend to pass the proverbial buck. Many areas which were far ahead of Hebei not so long ago, have fallen way behind now. The sea ports, airport, highways, and rail network of Hebei leave nothing to be desired. Hebei not only meets its own irrigation requirements, but supplies the essential commodity to Beijing as well! Everyone, from the wealthiest to those without the means to look after their families, can expect meaningful support in Hebei.

Registered unemployment is less than 4% in Hebei. This enviable position is not a one-way flow of benefits. Ordinary citizens of Hebei must work hard to earn the public amenities they enjoy. The productivity of China business in Hebei progresses so rapidly, that it is able to counter the relatively high rate of inflation. A large part of the inflation is from the values fetched by farm produce, so everyone gains in the inclusive progress of China business in Hebei. Entrepreneurs from all over the world participate in the China business success story of Hebei, and more join each month.

Future Prospects for China Business in Hebei

China business in Hebei is yet to reach its zenith. The province has moved on to areas such as alternate energy sources. Industrial profits grow by an amazing one-third in a year, while foreign investments approach $2 billion. Industrial development is not at the costs of other sectors: services have begun to grow as well, while irrigation has brought new areas under diverse cultivation forms. The sea ports of Hebei are set to increase their roles in both imports to and exports from the whole country. Hebei is a relatively small province of China in terms of land area and population, but its contributions to the national exchequer and cause are truly gigantic!